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The Monarch MethodTM
Specialist Certification Program


Focus: It's only human to think that the older and wiser we become, the more 'advice' we have to offer others. Particularly if we've been through some rough patches.

One of the more challenging aspects of being a coach, guide, mentor, counselor, therapist, parent, and friend is not to give advice based on your subjective world view.

Perhaps the most important and valuable aspect of healing and growth is empowerment. This means creating the space for others to discover aspects of themselves they aren't necessarily familiar with along with inner capacities and the power to move forward authentically, intentionally, and successfully.

At the core of who we are and who we want to become is a state of G.R.A.C.E.

Focus Question:

What was the worst advice you ever gave and received?

What was the best advice you ever gave and received?

Got a question? Email Kimble at:

Your quick guide to The Monarch Method steps

in preparation for phase III - Implementation

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